Saturday, August 14, 2010


From Media Matters (Aug 14 2010): 

Glenn Beck, Holy Warrior

In April 2-10:

Glenn Beck informed his radio listeners that during his trip to the Vatican, an "individual" there told him that "what you're doing is wildly important" in the upcoming struggle against forces of "great darkness."

A few days earlier Beck explained that he was promoting "the plan that [God] would have me articulate, I think, to you," against "darkness." 

These remarks are consistent with Beck's regular portrayal of himself as fighting on behalf of "good" against the forces of "evil" and "darkness."

Beck does not use this sort of language metaphorically -- he quite literally believes he is fighting on the side of God against Satan. 

In the months since his trip to the Vatican, Beck has continued to frame the current political debate in our country in biblical, and sometimes apocalyptic, terms.

For example, Beck has:
  • Looked skyward on his TV show and said, "Lord, it's your turn, we've done everything we can" while comparing the current situation in our country to Stephen King's post-apocalyptic novel The Stand. In the same segment, Beck also told people they need to ask for forgiveness, and said that "we're in a dark, dark place" and "dark dudes" are "coming our way." He added, "Now, I'm hoping the guy with horns doesn't actually show up, but he could."
  • Explained that we are fighting "the oldest battle that man has ever fought. It is the battle in the war in heaven. It is the battle that we fought in the Garden of Eden. Choice." Beck also compared Obama and his administration to the snake in the Garden of Eden because he "will make the choices for you."
  • Hosted a panel of pastors and preachers that he billed as "people that need to start standing up." During the show, Beck plugged the "excellent" book by Rev. John Hagee, Can America Survive? 10 Prophetic Signs That We Are the Terminal Generation, which he apparently had just started reading. Hagee's book interprets biblical prophecy to argue that the world is fast approaching Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Beck explicitly endorsed Hagee's theory by stating as fact that "a lot of the pieces that have never been here for the prophecy are here now."
  • Repeatedly suggested that progressives and liberals are "enemies of God" and "enemies of Him," and declared that they "don't have [God] on their side."
  • Told his listeners to "make no mistake: You are fighting a power far greater, far greater than any elected official. This has been the works for a very long time." He then warned that the "gates of Hell will open up."
Beck's messianic pretense took the next logical step this week, when he announced a new event . 

The event will be titled "Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny" and will feature "nationally-known figures from all faiths." Beck describes the evening as an "eye-opening" event "that will help heal your soul."

Excerpted and Redacted from MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA AUG 14 2010: