Friday, February 28, 2014

Feb 26 2014: Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Condemns anti-LGBT Law in Uganda

The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) has condemned a new law approved on Monday in Uganda,  which will allow those convicted of homosexuality to be imprisoned for life.
In a statement today (Feb 26, 14) CAFOD said:
“Every human person has a fundamental dignity, as created by God, and each person is precious in God’s eyes. CAFOD therefore opposes all forms of discrimination, whether based on race, religion, gender or sexuality.
"As was made clear by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in their 1986 letter to Bishops all over the world:
‘It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs. It reveals a kind of disregard for others which endangers the most fundamental principles of a healthy society. The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law.’.”
A spokesperson said parts of Ugandan society was already very hostile to homosexuality and she feared the new law will lead to increased violent attacks on people who are gay, or even suspected of being gay.
Gratuitous attacks on LGBT Ugandans are beginning, already. In a screaming front page headline, with photos alongside, a Ugandan tabloid shouted:
"EXPOSED! Uganda's 200 Top Homos Named"
Can physical attacks be far behind?
Governments and NGO's with ties to Ugandan counterparts and rapport with Ugandan government representatives are urged to tell everyone: the new, inhumane law must be rescinded.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ugandan President Signs Harsh Anti-Gay Bill, Invites “outsiders” to Stop Financial Aid to Uganda - so, Let’s.

The President of Uganda, on Feb 24, 2014, signed  a bill, which mandates life sentences for anyone who “promotes” homosexuality.

In signing the bill into law, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni made the following comments - and has challenged the world to do something about it:

“No study has shown you can be homosexual by nature. That’s why I have agreed to sign the bill." 
Homosexuals are actually mercenaries. They are heterosexual people but because of money they say they are homosexuals. These are prostitutes because of money. 
That is why those mercenaries must be punished and those recruiting them. I have failed to understand that you can fail to be attracted to all these beautiful women and be attracted to a man.” 
“That is a really serious matter. There is something really wrong with you. 
Outsiders cannot dictate to us. This is our country. I advise friends from the West not to make this an issue, because if they make it an issue the more they will lose. 
If the West does not want to work with us because of homosexuals, then we have enough space to ourselves here.”
Meanwhile, on Feb 12, 2014, the US government announced a new $10 million grant to foster 
Uganda's nature-based tourism to deliver and improved visitor experience and stewardship of natural resources necessary to sustain Uganda's economic development.

The decision to send $10 million in new tourism funding to Uganda must be reversed.

You can help by calling or writing USAID Press office:

You can also post a message on the USAID-Uganda facebook page:

The message to US AID:
in light of the new-anti LGBT law in Uganda, the USAID/Uganda $10 million “Tourism for Biodiversity Program” should be scrapped.

You can also deliver the same message to the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), which is the conduit for the new grant:

African Wildlife Foundation
1400 Sixteenth Street, N.W. - Suite 120
Tel: +1 202 939 3333
Toll free: +1 888 494 5354
